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The Middle East
Gain a better understanding of the Middle East with these articles on news, politics, issues, culture, media, and more.
Current Situation in Israel
Is Libya a Democracy Now?
The Truth About Middle East Oil Reserves
10 Factors That Led to the Syrian Uprising
United Arab Emirates History and Independence
Religion and the Syrian Civil War
10 Reasons for the Arab Spring
Current Situation in the Middle East
Current Situation in Iran
Timeline of the Lebanese Civil War From 1975 to 1990
Black September: The Jordanian-PLO Civil War of 1970
How the Arab Spring Started
8 Countries That Had Arab Spring Uprisings
Israeli Prime Ministers Since Establishment of the State in 1948
Quick Facts on Burj Dubai/Burj Khalifa
U.S. Policy in the Middle East: 1945 to 2008
The Difference Between Iranian and Persian
What Is the Arab Spring?
Arabica Coffee Enjoyed Today and for the Past Few Millennia
What You Need to Know About the Wailing Wall or Western Wall
Text of 1949 UN Resolution Calling for Referendum on Kashmir
What Are Ziggurats and How Were They Built?
The Quraysh Tribe of Mecca
Defining the Arab World and the Middle East
Kashmir History and Background
Leaders of the Middle East: A Photo Gallery
The Sinai Peninsula From Ancient Times to Today
What Is the Middle East?
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad: Profile
Understanding the Barbary Pirates
The Difference Between Alawites and Sunnis in Syria